Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Biggest Mountain in the Solar System

This is the largest in the solar He's Mountain. Olympus Mons, is the largest mountain on Mars which is also the largest mountain in our solar. Mount Olympus Mons is soaring to the height of up to 27 km and has a diameter of 550 km. In the legs, Olympus Mons is surrounded by steep cliffs with a minimum altitude of 6 km. At the peak, the mountain is a crater 85 km in diameter.

Olympus Mons

Olympus Mons is even higher than mount Everest pile. We can stack three Mount Everest, the highest point on earth, and mount olympus mons is still much higher than mount Everest pile.

height ratio between the olympus mons with a high mount Everest

Mount the largest diameter of the earth is Mauna Loa mountains (Hawaii), which has a diameter of over 120 km. Compare with a diameter of Olympus Mons (550 km).

Dangerous places in the World


Asbestos is a series of six silicate minerals naturally very terkanal compatible with fire and resistance to the sound absorption capability. On the downside, this mineral causes cancer and other diseases. This is very dangerous to the European Union has banned all mining and use of asbestos in Europe. In Canada in Thetford Mines, you can visit a very large hole in the asbestos open pit mine is still fully operational. Free tickets (already dangerous period still have to pay anyway?). If you decide to visit, do not forget to fill your body with complete bio-hazard suit.

5 Best Cities of the World Health

Many cities around the world is a great place to live because of the availability of recreation and a high level of life expectancy. Countries that have a high ratio of patients with physical illnesses that tend to be healthier and more number of doctors who sedikit.Tingkat infant mortality and low levels of disease is important for the health of the city, but there were many factors that make these cities included in the list of cities The healthiest city sedunia.Berolahraga, eat well and healthy lifestyle are factors that contribute to the health of citizens anywhere in the world.

There are many ways to measure the health of a city.
Some factors affecting the health of society as a whole, including a long life expectancy, doctor-patient ratio as a whole and the amount of toxins that can be found in lingkungan.Kesehatan also measured with the availability of sports and other activities and level of disease.

Some countries allocate funds in large amounts on health, but it really does not mean they are healthy. Here is a list of seven cities in the world's healthiest.
1. Reykjavik, Islandia


Iceland has a low level of disease as a whole. TB prevalence countries is 2.2 per 100,000 residents and no cases of H1N1 bird flu in sana.Islandia jumalh doctors also have high, with a ratio of 3.62 per 1,000 residents.

Swimming is a popular sport in Islandia.Renang have included in school curricula Iceland for more than 60 years and every resident of Iceland is required to learn to swim.
Iceland's geothermal wealth makes a great place to open berenang.Kolam warm pool located across the country and is open all year. other outdoor sports like hiking and sailing are also popular in Reykjavik.

Reykjavik and other towns in Iceland have the level of vehicle ownership is very high per capita of about 522 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants, but they are not affected by congestion and air pollution levels are very low.

2. Vienna, Austria


Austria has an infant mortality rate is only 4 deaths per 1,000 live births.
They also have high physician density of 3.38 doctors per 1,000 warga.Orang who lives in Austria covered by government insurance as soon as they get jobs or university entrance.
Pensioners are also guaranteed automatically by hukum.Wina offers skiing in winter and many recreational activities in the months of summer.
City of Vienna hosted various sporting events including the Marathon.
marathon attracted more than 10,000 participants per tahun.Pada year 2005, the Ice Hockey World Championship hosted by Austria and the final match played in Vienna.

3. Sydney, Australia
Australian health care system is one of the best in Australia dunia.perusahaan insurance required by law to pay the policy premiums and the same regardless of past health mereka.udara Australia is also among the cleanest air in dunia.Menurut CIA World Factbook, Australia also offers one The highest life expectancy at the age of 81.81 years in 2011.

City of Sydney has a climate, moderate bright that contributes to give love in the outdoors that much on penduduknya.Ada five major national parks located in the vicinity of Sydney, which contains about 8,000 square miles of open space.

4. Zurich, Switzerland


Switzerland spent more than 11 percent of Gross Domestic Product Articles on universal health coverage for residents negaranya.Ini is a very high expenditure per capita, but its inhabitants provide a high life expectancy at age 71 for men and age 75 for women. Swiss physician density is about 3.61 per 1,000 penduduk.Swiss also have high levels of air pollution.
There are many gardens and parks are located in Zurich for citizens to just walking, biking, Most of the people of Zurich to enjoy an active lifestyle and sports is an integral part of the culture of sports facilities Swiss.Banyaknya make Zurich a gathering place for lovers of sport in Switzerland. Some international sports federations make their home in Zurich.

5. Helsinki, Finland


Finland has one of the lowest pollution levels in dunia.Mereka also boasts a low infant mortality three deaths per 1,000 births hidup.Warga Finland has a life expectancy of 79.27 years from lahir.Helsinki, the capital.
There are about 390 cars per 1000 population of Helsinki. less than the city of similar density. Brussels, Belgia.Belgia has about 483 cars per 1000 people and Stockholm, Sweden has about 401.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mysterious markings discovered at Great Pyramid of Giza

London, England (CNN) -- A robot explorer has revealed ancient markings inside a secret chamber at Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza.

The markings, which have lain unseen for 4,500 years, were filmed using a bendy camera small enough to fit through a hole in a stone door at the end of a narrow tunnel.

It is hoped they could shed light on why the tiny chamber and the tunnel -- one of several mysterious passages leading from the larger King's and Queen's chambers -- were originally built.

The markings take the form of hieroglyphic symbols in red paint as well as lines in the stone that may have been made by masons when the chamber was being built.


According to Peter Der Manuelian, Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology at Harvard University, similar lines have been found elsewhere in Giza. "Sometimes they identify the work gang (who built the room), sometimes they give a date and sometimes they give guidelines to mark cuttings or directional symbols about the beginning or end of a block," he said.

"The big question is the purpose of these tunnels," he added. "There are architectural explanations, symbolic explanations, religious explanations -- even ones relating to the alignment of the stars -- but the final word on them is yet to be written. The challenge is that no human can fit inside these channels so the only way to do this exploration is with robots."

Pictures of the markings have been published in the Annales du Service Des Antiquities de l'Egypte, the official publication of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, following an international mission led by the Minister for Antiquities.

The robot explorer that took the images is named Djedi, after the magician whom Pharaoh Khufu consulted when planning the layout of the Great Pyramid. It was designed and built by engineers at the University of Leeds, in collaboration with Scoutek UK and Dassault Systemes, France.
Although robots have previously sent back pictures from within the pyramid's tunnels, Djedi's creators say it is the first to be able to explore the walls and floors in detail, rather than just take pictures looking straight ahead, thanks to a "micro snake" camera.

The camera also scrutinized two copper pins embedded in the door to the chamber at the end of the tunnel. In a statement, Shaun Whitehead, of Scoutek UK, said: "People have been wondering about the purpose of these pins for over 20 years. It had been suggested that they were handles, keys or even parts of an electrical power plant, but our new pictures from behind the pins cast doubt on these theories.

"We now know that these pins end in small, beautifully made loops, indicating that they were more likely ornamental rather than electrical connections or structural features. Also, the back of the door is polished so it must have been important. It doesn't look like it was a rough piece of stone used to stop debris getting into the shaft."

The team's next task is to look at the chamber's far wall to check whether it is a solid block of stone or another door.

"We are keeping an open mind and will carry out whatever investigations are needed to work out what these shafts and doors are for," said Whitehead. "It is like a detective story, we are using the Djedi robot and its tools to piece the evidence together."

Sarah Palin goes behind enemy lines

The bus tour that stands to return her to the 2012 spotlight is taking her to the part of the country that’s the least friendly to her — the northeastern U.S.

Sarah Palin

It’s a part of the country she’s mostly avoided since 2008, conspicuously not setting foot in early presidential state New Hampshire at all during her two book tours and her 2010 tea party campaign swings. Now, however, with her luster dimmed and her national relevance in question, she has chosen to venture into the belly of the beast.

“There’s no doubt in my mind the northeast is the least favorable area of the country to Sarah Palin,” said Terry Madonna, a longtime Pennsylvania pollster and analyst who directs the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin & Marshall College. “But she has to show she can broaden her appeal. She can’t just go to where she’s already won voters.”

Nevertheless, it’s clear Palin is picking her spots carefully.

Though the tour begins Sunday in Washington, D.C. — home to the political establishment with which Palin has a well-documented relationship of mutual loathing — it’s at a motorcycle rally, the annual Rolling Thunder bikerfest that streams over the Memorial Bridge en route to the Vietnam Memorial.

In Maryland, where the candidate Palin endorsed in the 2010 GOP gubernatorial primary got less than a quarter of the vote, she’s going to the Civil War battle site of Antietam, in the rural western arm of the state — far from the coastal population centers of Annapolis and Baltimore.

In Pennsylvania, where America’s most famous hockey mom was booed in 2008 when she dropped the puck at a Philadelphia Flyers game, she’ll visit another small-town Civil War battlefield, Gettysburg. She’ll also make a return foray into Philadelphia — a stop at the Liberty Bell.

Palin is wrapping herself in American history, tapping into the hyper-patriotism that is her hallmark. Her destinations are historic islands, refuges amid the most urbanized and Democratic territory in the nation.

This is the way the itinerary is described on her political action committee’s website: “This Sunday, May 29th, Governor Palin and the SarahPAC team will begin a trip through our nation’s rich historical sites, starting from Washington, DC and going up through New England,” it states. “The ‘One Nation Tour’ is part of our new campaign to educate and energize Americans about our nation’s founding principles, in order to promote the Fundamental Restoration of America.”

Below that, there’s a donation button, and below that is a Google map of the U.S. — with no stops marked on it.

Palin’s plans, details of which are still hazy, will also take her to New Hampshire for the first time since she was on the GOP ticket with John McCain.

But after all her time away, Granite Staters aren’t feeling particularly warm about her.

A CNN/WMUR poll of New Hampshire Republican voters last week found Palin had the support of just 5 percent, good for fifth place and trailing non-candidate Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who has dipped his toe in the presidential waters of late